Beijing, October 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — China.org.cn news report Guizhoubecame a province of China, Chinese Big Data Industry Hub:
Guizhou It is a state with stunning mountains, unique climatic conditions and abundant renewable energy sources. Over the past decade, Guizhou Transformed from a poor neighborhood to a world frontrunner Chinese big data industry.

Guizhou by the Numbers: Ten Years as the Center of Big Data Industry
According to official statistics, Guizhou By 2019, it has attracted more than 9,000 big data-related companies. Many high-tech companies, including Huawei and Apple, have moved to the state to set up cloud computing hubs and big data centers. Guizhou One of the largest data centers in the world. According to news from the press conference of “A Decade of”: Guizhou” upon August 2022, Guizhou has 17 hyperscale data centers in operation or under construction.
Chinese internet giant Qixing data center Tencent It covers an area of 513,000 square meters, started operation in 2018. Its core facilities were set in hidden caves in the mountains and required no staff for day-to-day operations. Its data servers can be naturally cooled due to its geographical advantage. Guizhoueconomical and environmentally friendly.
In addition to the development of the data hosting industry, Guizhou It promotes the development of other related industries, such as the electronics industry and e-commerce. So far, that effort has been positive and effective. Growth rate of the digital economy from 2016 to 2021 Guizhou Prefecture ranked first China 7 years in a row.digital economy Guizhou It accounts for 34% of the region’s GDP.The annual production value of the big data, electronics and information industries is 116 billion yuan increased in 2015, 140 billion yuan 2020.
As an industry-leading international event, Big Data Expo has been held seven times since 2015, gathering a large number of high-tech companies to showcase their cutting-edge innovations. In the last 10 years, of Guizhou Big data industry including establishment of Global Big Data Exchange Chinese Approved as the first big data comprehensive pilot zone and one of the national computing hubs for integrated national big data.
Source China.org.cn
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