For nearly 30 years, the United Nations’ annual climate change conference has brought government representatives, leaders and citizens together to help mitigate climate change. But this year’s 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) has been described as “the world’s last and best chance to control runaway climate change.”
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently released the report of Working Group 1. Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis 2021. This report leaves no doubt that this current emergency is caused by human activity. Leaders could write history when they meet at COP26 in Glasgow, UK.
COP26 will be hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy. Here’s what you need to know before the conference starts on October 31st.
1. COP26 has four key themes
- Ensure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reachTo achieve this, countries must phase out coal, curb deforestation, switch to electric vehicles and encourage investment in renewable energy. This can only be achieved through decisive and immediate action.
- Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats Ecosystem protection and restoration.
- mobilize fundsDeveloped countries must keep their promise to mobilize US$100 billion annually.
- Cooperate and deliver – By completing the Paris rulebook and accelerating action between government, business and civil society. This is particularly tricky with regard to Article 6, which aims to encourage international cooperation and provide flexibility in meeting national climate targets through potential emissions trading systems. To limit emissions, we want prices to go up, but right now there are only a few markets and tax regimes and no coherent system. A global system is important.
2. COP26 balances public and private sectors
COP26 consists of two zones, the inner Blue Zone and the outer Green Zone.
The inner Blue Zone extends beyond the security cordon, and only ministers, authorized government officials, and other specially authorized individuals and organizations are allowed access to this area. Major work within the Blue Zone includes international negotiations on climate change agreements and actions.
Within the Blue Zone are pavilions showcasing what countries, organizations and businesses are doing to combat climate change. There is also a program of official fringe events taking place within the Blue Zone. The program is organized by the United Nations, and places are hotly contested, with only one-third of proposals being accepted.
At COP26, Ericsson was able to participate in the Swedish Pavilion in the Blue Zone in collaboration with the Swedish Government and Business Sweden. We will host several events in the EU, Swedish and Nordic pavilions located within the Blue Zone. Discuss with experts and peers on topics such as the EU Green Deal, green infrastructure financing, 5G rollouts and how digitization can support climate action to promote mitigation in all social sectors. increase.
Beyond the blue zone is the green zone. This is where organizations that can afford to host their own pavilions, exhibitions or events to show what they are doing about climate change. None of this is officially part of his COP program and will be open to the public if you order a ticket. This zone will get a lot of attention from people who cannot enter the Blue Zone, especially the media.
Outside the Green Zone, an informal program of events is held throughout Glasgow. These events are organized by a wide range of organizations and individuals. It is also expected that there will be protests outside the Green Zone. Some estimates suggest these talks could attract up to 300,000 protesters.
3. A crucial moment in light of the Paris Agreement
In 2015, world leaders met in Paris to make history. The Paris Agreement was adopted by 196 parties on December 12, 2015 and entered into force on November 4, 2016. For the first time, the Paris Agreement binds all nations to a common goal of combating global warming and mitigating climate change. Unfortunately, we have to adapt to it.
The agreement has a goal of keeping global warming below 2 degrees Celsius (preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius) above pre-industrial levels. But according to NASA, the global average temperature is already above 1.2 degrees Celsius today.
The deadline for achieving our 1.5 ambitions is approaching. Scientists say that for the world to have a good chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, it will need to cut emissions by 50% by 2030, and from there by 2050, net I estimate that it should be zero.
To achieve this, we need to focus on making further progress towards net zero. This means that emissions must be reduced first and as a whole, but only a small part can be addressed by permanent carbon removal and nature-based solutions.
According to the Paris Agreement, every five years, countries must update their agreement targets, called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Currently, these existing ambitions are not sufficient to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The September UNFCCC NDC Synthesis Report summarizes information from the 164 most recently available NDCs communicated by the 191 Parties to the Paris Agreement. The Synthesis Report found engagement is increasing as countries step up their commitments to limit their greenhouse gas emissions by 2025/2030.
Unfortunately, engagement isn’t enough. Based on NDC’s ambition, 89% of the remaining carbon budget will be used up by 2030. This means that the remaining amount of carbon that can be emitted after 2030 is only the size of the current annual emissions globally. That’s why COP26 is so important in the climate action calendar. We need more countries to set more ambitious short- and long-term targets now.
4. Connectivity can help combat climate change
Connectivity can accelerate action on climate change.
We believe digital technology has the potential to reduce global net greenhouse gas emissions by up to 15% by 2030. This is one third of the 50% reduction target needed to have at least a chance in 2030 alone, according to science. With other technologies like 5G, AI, and IoT, we may be able to do more and faster.
This 15% reduction means that the global ICT sector’s carbon footprint is 1.4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, while the global ICT sector’s potential impact is 10 times greater. means Digitalization can be a driving force for countries to accelerate their efforts to tackle climate change, but we need to invest and recognize this opportunity.
For example, 5G, as an open innovation platform, could have a direct impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in various industries. This includes everything from smart agriculture and public transportation systems to smart power grids that support accelerating EV adoption and increasing renewable energy. Onstream supported by his 5G with low latency and more efficient logistics.
5. Business and civil society can make a difference
How can global events like COP26 truly engage business and civil society to accelerate climate change action at the pace it ultimately needs?
By launching the ‘Race to Zero Breakthroughs’, the United Nations has set short-term goals for over 20 global sectors. This essentially creates a master plan for what businesses, governments and civil society need to do to accelerate global climate action ahead of his COP26.

These efforts have been very successful, with significant business progress being made, with the COP26 Presidency saying that the net-zero target for corporate value chains covers about 70% of the global economy. This is up from her 30% when the UK assumed her COP26 presidency.
The mobile division has been leading these efforts. The company responsible for more than 33% of global revenues has committed to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, according to the Race To Zero campaign. And already in January, the mobile industry reached a critical tipping point of 20% in these efforts, which is key to accelerating system transformation.
However, we as a company need to make clear that long-term net zero emissions alone is not enough. We need to move towards zero now by reducing our emissions. The date 2030 is very important. By then, we must halve global emissions. These net-zero ambitions must therefore be followed by major milestones, such as making halving emissions by 2030 a top priority.
we know it is possible. Ericsson has reduced his company’s emissions (vehicles, facilities, product transport, business travel) by more than 70% in less than 10 years. Work with the Exponential Roadmap initiative. To achieve this, we are working to reduce emissions within our supply chain, supporting our customers through our “breaking the energy curve” approach and improving the energy efficiency of our products. . We also rely on our customers to switch their networks to renewable energy sources. And you are with us in this race, as shown in the image above of United Nations Breakthrough Ambition.
As mentioned earlier, civil society can play an important role at COP26. We can already see this in demonstrations and grassroots movements around the world. To support this and extend the message and action across civil society, we have chosen to partner with the Exponential Roadmap initiative and We Don’t Have Time.
We will create a virtual backdoor for everyone at COP26 by hosting the 4th Exponential Climate Action Summit in the Blue Zone. This summit is close to negotiations and event action. At the final summit of NY Climate Week, he had over 8.8 million viewers on Twitter.
Broadcast each evening (GMT), the event showcases innovators, disruptors and transformers in sectors such as industry, buildings, energy and digitalisation. We know the solution is out there. We need to scale them now by taking action.
Join the discussion! There really is no time to wait.
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Read Emelie’s previous blog post COP26: Climate action and the role of policy, business and technology in 2021
Making a positive impact: Learn more about how technology is helping the planet heal.
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