Hayley Lawson
In honor of Black History Month, influenceThe Reviews section features a series of articles introducing the world of film, television, literature, and more during this important month. Hayley Lawson shares her thoughts on Alice Walker’s iconic and poignant book. purple color.
of colour Purple have earned of Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, National Book Award for Fiction, And rightly so.This Amazingly Written Novel Addresses the Treatment of African Americanss early to mid 20’sth century, through letters (first written to God, then to the main character’s sister). This approach allows the reader to become invested in Celie’s inner story, giving women of the race the voice they deserve.
novel inform race, hope, religion, Love, and family in a very moving way, it definitely touched the heart decades, and We will continue to do so. Walker reminds readers that the longing of all humans is love, whatever their background. “Everything wants to be loved. We sing and dance and scream just to be loved.” It’s beautiful and striking, and it evokes reader empathy, something Walker so often does in this novel.
Those who stand up for what is right will be punished
By giving empathy to black characters in his novels, Walker effectively portrays the injustice of a white-dominated world.Those who stand up for what is right are punished and the Africans in the village Nettie recalls are ignored made to feel inadequate and irreplaceable, English on the other handWorkers destroy villages, cultures and histories. By shedding light on these issues, Walker allows the reader to consider the impact white people have had over the years, leaving me with a desire to change the society we live in today. I noticed that
Character possibilities are limited
Many years have passed since this novel was written in the 80’s. When because it was set, there is still a long way to go to reach full equality. Throughout her novel, Celie finds herself lacking what makes her life so worthwhile. It’s clear that much of this is a result of her race. Her character’s opportunities are limited, and she is essentially trapped in a hopeless life because of her mistreatment by white people.
Celery Her skin color makes her look ugly, but it’s definitely it hurts my heart. However, as the novel progresses, she realizes her worth. “A voice that may be ugly with black pores and poor at cooking Say to all I hear. But here I am. ” Despite the suffering The hardships Sherry enduredshe is above all kind and hopefulThis clearly makes her a character to admire and adore.
Hayley Lawson
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Images in article courtesy of @riscyss Via Instagram.com. This image has not been modified.
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