Tokyo, November 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Global Innovation Challenge Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “GIC Executive Committee”) Tokyo We are pleased to announce that the “Global Innovation Challenge 2023 Life Support Robot Contest” (hereafter, “GIC Contest”) will be held next year at the “GIC Tsukuba Innovation Center” in Tsukuba City. Ibaraki Prefecture, Japanproviding total winnings US$1,000,000.
Official website:
The competition will be held in May-June 2023 We aim to support researchers and developers around the world to bring innovative tools that enable wheelchair users with disabilities such as paralysis to “walk independently”.
Remaining functions are available without caregiver assistance.
In this competition, independent walking is defined as the ability of a person with a disability, such as paralysis, to walk without the assistance of another person or without the use of a wheelchair.Entries will be accepted until
March 31, 2023
, prior to the contest. We look forward to receiving many applications from interested parties. For details, please see the application guidelines on the official website. https://global-innovation-challenge.com/ja/event_and_project/2023/GIC2023.html
Contest background:
Due to aging, illness, accidents, etc., the number of people who require assistance in daily life is increasing worldwide. While the mental, physical, and economic burdens are heavy on both the caregiver and the support recipient, the development of robots in the welfare field is a small market and difficult to invest in.
Thanks to the development of public infrastructure and the promotion of barrier-free facilities, even people with mobility difficulties can now live on their own using a wheelchair. The organizer believes that if a walking support robot that can be used indoors and outdoors without worrying about barrier-free access can be realized, the lives of people with disabilities can be enriched.
The GIC Contest is held with the aim of enabling people living in wheelchairs with disabilities such as lower limb paralysis to “walk independently” using their remaining functions without human assistance through the development of innovative tools. increase.
- Comment from GIC Executive Committee Chairman Tatsufumi Uemura “This is the second time this event has been held. In 2021, it was held online due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, but the next event will be held in the spring of 2023. GIC Tsukuba Innovation All members of the committee are looking forward to seeing what kind of new technology will be created in this contest, which is based on the image of a general house at the center.” Overview of the Global Innovation Challenge 2023 Living Support Robot ContestContest venue: GIC Tsukuba Innovation Center (877 Nakasugama, Tsukuba City) Ibaraki Prefecture300-4242
- Japan
) Organizer: Global Innovation Challenge Executive Committee - * Operated under the advice of experts in the medical welfare field, Disabled sports, robotics, etc.
- Special sponsor: TKF
- Ltd.
- Organizer: JTB Corporation
- Cooperation: Tsukuba City Sponsors: Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd., MUFG Bank, Ltd., SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
- Prize pool:
Participation fee: Free
See below for contest details.
https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/attach/202211019056-O1-TEp97bO5.pdfSOURCE Global Innovation Challenge Executive Committee
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