phoenix, November 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Industry pioneer and first U-Haul® employee, U.S. Army veteran William E. “Hap” Carty, will serve as Business Community Grand Marshal at the annual Phoenix Veterans Day Parade on Friday. Awarded posthumously.
many years Tempe The resident died in June at the age of 95. Members of the Karty family join the parade, and members of the U-Haul team wear shirts with his image on the back.
U-Haul was founded by a veteran in 1945 and is headquartered in the United States. phoenix It has been the top veteran-friendly employer in the United States since 1967 and is a staple of the Phoenix Veterans Day Parade organized by the non-profit Honoring America’s Veterans.
The DIY moving and self-storage company is once again showcasing its fleet of moving trucks with the popular U.S. Army SuperGraphics® flanks to honor veterans and active duty military personnel. His U-Haul entry this year also features a special track saluting Karty.
Known as the happy child with a big smile, Hap took a leave of absence from the Army in 1945 to help his brother-in-law, U-Haul co-founder and Navy veteran LS “Sam” Shoen. While building the company’s first 10 rental trailers. .
Carty joined U-Haul as the first full-time employee the following year. During his 43-year career, he served as Chairman of the Board of U-Haul International and President of U-Haul. Carty spent half his life in the East His Valley and was instrumental in opening his Hall Technical Center. Tempe In 1970, it was a largely undeveloped desert. Home to his R&D facility, the only of its kind in the world, the Tech Center Tempe – and the whole valley.
Honoring America’s Veterans Executive Director Paula Pedene said: “When I learned of Hap Carty’s passing earlier this year, I reached out to[U-Haul]and asked if they would honor Hap as the Business Community Grand Marshal. U-Haul has helped us for a long time and we wanted to do something in return.
“For nearly 20 years, U-Haul has been printing our parade program. To the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, we thank U-Haul and all of our sponsors for helping make this beautiful parade possible.”
The parade begins with Friday at 11amThe route begins on Central Avenue just south of Bethany Home Road, turns east on Camelback Road, and turns south again on 7th Avenue. The parade ends near Indian School Road along the Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center.
Over 45,000 spectators and 2,500 marchers are expected to attend.
About uhole
[1945年に設立されたU-Haulは、50の州すべてと10のカナダの州にまたがる23000を超える場所のネットワークを持つ、日曜大工の引越し業者の第1の選択肢です。. U-Haul Truck Share は、24 時間年中無休で、U-Haul トラックへの安全なアクセスを、スマートフォンの顧客派遣オプションと当社独自の Live Verify テクノロジーを通じて、毎日 1 時間ごとに提供します。 お客様のご愛顧により、U-Haul 車両は約 186,000 台のトラック、128,000 台のトレーラー、46,000 台の牽引装置にまで成長しました。 U-Haul は、米国で 3 番目に大きなセルフ ストレージ オペレーターです。 北米 895,000 のレンタル可能なストレージ ユニットと、所有および管理されている施設で 7,660 万平方フィートのセルフ ストレージ スペースを提供しています。 U-Haul は、米国最大のプロパン小売業者であり、自動車アフターマーケット業界で常設トレーラー ヒッチの最大の設置業者であり続けています。 U-Haul は、「Best for Vets」の主要な雇用主として繰り返し認められており、最近では、アメリカで最も健康的な職場 15 の 1 つに選ばれました。
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