Achieving specific shapes and finishes using the most precise abrasives is becoming more demanding as the need for harder materials increases than ever before. Kemet International Ltd. diamond lapping and polishing systems are widely used by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and maintenance in the aircraft and aerospace industries and are the most reliable for producing precise, flat polished surfaces. It provides a highly efficient method.
Due to its extensive use in military applications, aerospace engineering has developed into an integral field in various countries. Minimizing risk and increasing efficiency in military control, transport aircraft, fighter aircraft, missiles, spacecraft, and aerospace equipment require aerospace engineering expertise.
Image credit: Shutterstock / superjoseph
Aerospace metal finishing processes are used to increase the durability and corrosion resistance of aerospace materials. In aerospace, it improves product yield, strength and surface uniformity, and shortens manufacturing cycles. Mechanical finishing and chemical finishing are his two most commonly used methods in aerospace finishing. Widely used processes include lapping, passivation, deburring and ultrasonic cleaning.
Lapping is a finishing process used when tight tolerances and high precision are required. This allows aerospace parts to approach required flatness, thickness, parallelism and very tight tolerances.
Kemet offers multiple machine sizes in its portfolio including open face or pneumatic lifts from 200 mm up to 3 m depending on component type and size.
Kemet also offers custom-made annular grooved lapping plates for easy lapping of aerospace fuel and hydraulic systems with a flatness of less than 0.0005 mm (0.5 microns).
Lapping of hydraulic components, engine seals and bearings, and metal face seals of pumps and valves is made possible by our wide range of lapping machines. The addition of Kemet composite annular grooved plates provides precise shoulder lapping of gear faces. With Kemet’s portable hand wrap kit and his Helilaps, landing gear components can be effectively lapped with diamond and complex inner surfaces/diameters can be polished with diamond paste just like other aeronautical subassemblies .
Various materials (tungsten carbide, stellite, ceramic, silicon carbide, carbon, brass, etc.) can lapping and polishing all pumps, valves and engine seals up to 300mm in diameter. Under manufacturing conditions where diamond is used to achieve a flatness of 2-3 light bands (<0.001 mm), some can be lapped for a mirror finish if desired.
Kemet’s ISO certified diamond abrasives enable precision lapping of aircraft parts in manufacturing and service environments. Each slurry or compound is a specific concentration of grading diamond powder blended with a chemical carrier for optimum stock removal and surface finish, ease of cleaning, heat resistance and lubricity.
Component cleanliness has a significant impact on product quality, efficiency and profitability in the aerospace industry. Kemet and its portfolio offer intelligent and safe parts cleaning solutions with low production costs and short payback periods. Ultrasonic cleaning has proven to be the most efficient cleaning method for cleaning aerospace components.
The aerospace industry requires passivation of several parts including stainless steel parts, landing gear parts, control rods, cockpit fasteners, hydraulic actuators, and aerospace engine exhaust systems.
Kemet offers automated and encapsulated passivation systems and machines in multi-stage lines. Typically, there are 6-9 steps that are feasible in the normal routine-scale aerospace industry.
This information has been obtained, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Kemet International Ltd.
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