With a trembling hand, I clutched today’s Wall Street Journal (print edition for old people), opened its pages, and embarked on another terrifying excursion through a desolate, dystopian landscape of mayhem, greed, conflict, and imminent economic collapse. To do. is doing.
I’m like a gawker in a car crash who just can’t look away.From screamers on Fox News to hand ringers on PBS, it’s the same on TV.
Is this the best that humanity can do? Who is running this show anyway?
Worldview 1: No one is running this show and it’s getting more and more messed up
The late eminent physicist Carl Sagan once said:
His view is the one now adopted by succeeding physicists (or at least those who want to continue working in academia), and if you can’t see it, kick it, or measure it, it does not exist. Therefore, do not tolerate the concept of a supernatural, unseen realm inhabited by spiritual beings.
What scientists call “dark energy” or “dark matter” is the elephant in their living room. Together these make up 95% of him in the known universe. They cannot be seen, kicked, or measured, only mathematically implied.
The Bible clearly warns against the folly of such a pejorative, reductionist, and materialistic view.
As Romans 1:20-22 puts it, “Since the creation of the world, God’s (God’s) invisible attributes, His eternal power and divinity, It has been understood and clearly recognized by the created (creation), so that they have no excuse, although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God and did not thank Him. Claiming to be wise, they became fools…”
Worldview 2: Great Being Runs This Show, But He Hasn’t Made It Yet
On one of the Apostle Paul’s most important missionary journeys, he spoke to the Greek Athenians on the Hill of Mars, declaring in Acts 17:24-28: The Lord of heaven and earth does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is he served by human hands, as if he were in need of anything, because he himself gives life and breath and all things to all people. And from one man he populated all the nations of mankind on the whole face of the earth, and demarcated the bounds of appointed times and dwelling places, God is not far from each of us, but they seek Him.for in him we live and move … ”
From this, reveal yourself to an inquiring and invested mind and intellect that understands the vital importance of these matters and how they relate to your own eternal outlook. We can conclude that God actually exists.
As Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God, for those who come to God are those who God is and who seek Him. For you must believe that you are the Rewarder.”
Faith takes precedence over the visible in God’s plan of revelation. We do not see to believe. We believe as we can see.
In a battle for our hearts, the stakes never get higher.
The question of who or what drives the universe is not a casual intellectual question enjoyed over a cup of tea and crumpets. We are talking about life and death here, folks.
There are powerful spiritual beings on both sides of these issues, vying for your attention and allegiance.
In Ephesians 6:12, Paul writes: ”
And the battlefield of this cosmic war is in your heart in Romans 8:5-6. about the spirit. Thoughts set to the flesh are death, but thoughts set to the spirit are life and peace…”
how about you
Jesus promised in John 14:1-3: Believe in God, believe me too… I will come again and take you to myself.
would you buy it
— DC Collier is a Bible teacher, discipleship leader, and author focused on Christian apologetics. A mechanical engineer and internet entrepreneur, he is the author of My Origin, My Destiny, a book focused on the fundamental Christian “value proposition”. Click here for more information. [email protected]Here is the past column. The opinions expressed are his own.
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