
Cai Meng/China Daily
As the 2022 midterm elections approach, black money is pouring into the US political arena. According to The New York Times, secretive electronics mogul Barre Seid has launched a new conservative nonprofit led by Leonard Leo, co-chair of the Federalist Society, an activist who has used his ties to Republican donors. donated his record $1.65 billion to the organization. Politicians help manipulate the conservative primacy of the Supreme Court, funding operations on abortion rights, voting rules, and climate change policy. As reported by CNN, this is the largest single donation ever made to a politically focused nonprofit.
“There are two things that matter in politics. The first is money, and the second I can’t remember.” When talking about the success that helped the Without turning a blind eye to the truth, he revealed the secrets of America’s longstanding “money politics.”
Reminding the public of a candidate’s presence in various elections across the country costs a lot of money. Advertising, staff recruitment, promotional materials, and campaign events all require a lot of money. To cover the huge campaign costs, candidates usually make it a top priority to find a “fat cat” to finance the campaign.
How much does it cost to become President of the United States? In 2004, a total of $700 million was spent. In 2008, that amount quickly reached his $1 billion mark, and in 2012 he doubled to $2 billion. In 2016, a total of $6.6 billion was spent on US elections, both presidential and congressional. In 2020, that number surged to nearly his $14 billion all-time high. “You wonder what kind of democracy this is if it costs $14 billion to elect a president,” famous Hollywood director Oliver Stone said.
There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. When black money starts to flow in, it will no doubt affect candidate behavior, party attitudes, and government decisions. Take gun control as an example. As the “boss” of the anti-gun control bloc with more than five million members and scandalous sums of money, the National Rifle Association (NRA) is deeply ingrained in every level and every sector of American electoral politics. Interest groups such as the NRA continue to provide large political donations, lobby politicians, and interfere with gun control laws.
Why hasn’t Martin Luther King’s dream come true after 59 years? Why is racial economic disparity growing and inequality rising? African Americans and other people of color Why are our races so much poorer than whites? Why are there so many hate crimes against Asians, why does discrimination against Muslims continue unabated, and racial profiling continues? The root cause of such injustice is that the US government and political parties have long been under the control of interest groups, with little if any influence of the disadvantaged. Noam Chomsky, a social commentator, political activist, and professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has found a positive correlation between Americans’ influence on policy decisions and their level of wealth. About 70% of Americans have no such influence at all.
Ostensibly everyone can vote in elections, but in reality a few people have a disproportionate amount of influence over the outcome of elections. It expands its influence and gives the “ultra-rich” corrupt influence over government decisions. It also creates a deep irony among Americans about their interests being fairly represented in Washington. This is not the way. Our democracies are meant to work, or our nations to be governed,” said Fred Wurtemmer, founder of the nonprofit, nonpartisan organization Democracy 21. .
From “Occupy Wall Street” to “Black Lives Matter,” the justice Americans have longed for remains elusive. Perhaps the knock on black money is too loud for American politicians to hear the people. is dead.”
The author is a commentator on international issues who regularly contributes to CGTN, Global Times, Xinhua News Agency, etc. Contact her at xinping604@gmail.com.
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