In the old biblical story of Little Boy vs. Giant, a stone knocks over a giant man. In this case, it was a simple cut by a fearless raccoon that gave chase to these muscular, fast and sleek dogs that could stand over two feet tall.
Shadow and Samantha ran inside the house and met her owner, Mary Shaw, on the doorstep. She resisted the pests trying to escape by avoiding escape routes under the porch and giving small scratches to large dogs so she disappeared.
“For me, that’s it. Shadow is hissing and calm. Samantha is a hunter,” Shaw said.
It may be a story of survival and escape that wins Shadow the Nationwide Insurance Co.’s 2022 ‘Hambone Award’ for £90. One of 12 finalists from all over the country competing in a competition (tinyurl.com/hambne). Visitors to your site read stories and vote for their favorites.
Mary and her husband, Bruce, were living their golden years in the natural beauty of their beautiful Rhode Island home. They jumped at the chance and began calling him Shadow because of the way he overshadowed Bruce.
Shadow may look ferocious, but he’s full of goofs and instantly connects with the family’s pack of dogs, including his new best friend Samantha, a 65-pound female Doberman mix.

“She’s fine. No problem. She can fight Shadows. They can play rough, but they’re best friends and they work as a team,” Mary Shaw said with a laugh. . “If there’s anything suspicious, Shadow will alert Samantha. Samantha will come right away to see if she needs to do anything and take care of her errands.”
The pair were going about their daily lives pretty well until an unusually large creature from the forest startled them both. And that led to this Hambone-nominated story.
Shadow and Samantha went out to explore the backyard as usual. Suddenly, Shaw heard Shadow’s alarm bark and went to the back deck to call the dog. , does not run away from Reed’s challenge. Shadow follows. A giant raccoon was chasing both of them.
Luckily, the giant raccoon disappeared below deck after seeing Mary. She put Pooch inside and did them both thoroughly to make sure they were okay.There was a small mark on Samantha’s nose — probably a bite or scratch, but her shadow seemed fine.
“I looked at Shadow, but I didn’t see anything,” recalls Mary. She contacted the Environmental Management Authority and immediately took both dogs to a veterinarian as a precaution.
Later she sees an initially unseen wound on Shadow’s shoulder.
“While the wound looked small, it was actually the skin that had been torn away from the muscle underneath the skin and needed stitches,” Shaw said.
Shaw wondered what was going on in the minds of those dogs, especially Shadow. “He’s a bit of a wimp…one time he got worried and set off an alarm on the ropes,” she said.
“I really believe he was protecting Samantha. ‘I don’t want to do this, but I’m not going to let anything happen to you,'” she said.
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