Dr. Marty Becker

Q: What kind of cat litter do you like?
The short answer to that question is whatever they use. But like anything related to cats, there are nuances. Factors that influence a cat’s preference include scent and texture. Most cats prefer odorless litter.
A 2018 study examining cat litter preferences found that 18 cats that participated significantly preferred clay or silicate-type litter to wood pellets. A second phase of the study, involving 12 cats, compared clay and silicate bedding. At that time, cats preferred clay.
But the reason there are so many types of litter is to appeal to certain cat and human tastes. It’s cheap, absorbent, and widely available, and cats love it, at least in this study.
However, clay litter can be dusty and cats tend to track it around the house. Perfect for those with allergies or who need to keep dust levels low. It’s also biodegradable and flushable if the ‘green’ litter is important to you.
Silica-based bedding, which resembles tiny crystals, is also biodegradable, absorbent, and dust-free. However, as research has shown, not all cats like the texture.
If you have a new cat, or want to switch litters for any reason, choose two or three litters, give the cat a choice, and run your own experiment. You can tell which one he prefers.
The most important thing to remember is that your cat’s opinion is the only thing that matters in this matter. Forget trying to buy something on sale. If you find litter that your cat likes, use it.
— Dr. Marty Becker
Database reunites pets and people
Pets often go missing during natural disasters like Hurricane Ian. To help them reunite with their families, the Petco Love Lost online database simplifies and shortens the search for lost pets by using just one photo of the pet, of her. Pet imaging technology enables a database of over 1,800 participating shelters to quickly identify and repatriate pets. It’s free to use, and it’s as easy as creating a pet list, uploading a photo, and searching our database. Users can sign up to receive pet alerts and create digital “lost pet” flyers to post on social media and distribute via email. People who find animals can also upload pictures of those animals to facilitate matching. For more information, visit lost.petcolove.org.
keep pets safe during halloween
Halloween is approaching. You want to keep your pet safe and happy during the spooky season. Pet insurance companies also want their pets to be safe. Embrace shares some tips for success. Keep candy, wrappers, and decorations out of reach of pets. Candies may contain ingredients that are toxic to pets, such as chocolate, xylitol, raisins, coffee, and macadamia nuts, and may clog wrappers, fake spider webs, or other wreaths when pets ingest them. Scary costumes can be frightening to pets, so start now to acclimate them to your apparel, including masks. Costumes should fit snugly without scratching or weighing you down, and should not restrict your pet’s sight or hearing. and you open and close the door frequently, make sure your pet is in a safe place to prevent it from escaping, or keep it on a leash nearby. See fearfreehappyhomes.com/5-ways-to-help-pets-have-a-funand-safe-halloween for more tips.
Have a pet question? Send to askpetconnection@gmail.com or visit Facebook.com/DrMartyBecker. Pet Connection is produced by veterinarian Dr. Marty Becker, journalist Kim Campbell Thornton, and Dog his trainer/behavior consultant Mikkel Becker.
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