A great way to save money while shopping at any store is to take advantage of its price match policy, which at Lowe’s retailers call the Price Promise. If you find the same item at a lower price at another retailer while shopping, you can purchase it at the lower price. This means that once you have purchased an item, you cannot request that it be reduced to a competitor’s rate and refunded the difference. You can avoid this.
If you want to price match at Lowe’s, either in store or online, you should be prepared to ask for it at checkout. It should also be noted that
How to Price Match at Lowe’s
When shopping at Lowe’s, print advertisements or photos of competitors are required. Show this to the cashier and tell them you want to match the prices of the items. Next, make sure the ad is correct and the two products are identical.
If you prefer to shop online, you can call Lowe’s customer service number at 877-465-6937 or chat with a clerk through a text box on the website. When you do this, you will also need advertising from your competitors. This should be sent or explained to a Lowe’s employee. Competitor products must be able to ship to your location as well. Once they see a price match, you can get a lower cost before checking out.
policy exclusions
However, Lowe’s does not match any store’s products. We only accept Amazon, Wayfair, Walmart, Target, The Home Depot, Best Buy, Macy’s, Ace Hardware, Bed Bath & Beyond, Tractor Supply, and JCPenney. Additionally, you must also verify that the item is actually from the retailer and not a third-party seller from another store such as Amazon, eBay, or Etsy.
There are many scenarios in which Lowe’s will not accept price matches, such as when a competitor’s product is part of a promotion, bundle sale, seasonal sale, or special sale. Lowe’s cannot match if the item is discontinued, used, refurbished, opened, or under clearance. Additionally, the store does not match prices for services such as labor or installation, items found in another Lowe’s location, or customized items. Please note that Lowe’s does not accept coupons or discounts on matched price items. It may also limit the amount of money you can use this policy for.
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