The data are clear. The need for cybersecurity professionals continues to grow. Cybercrime is an ever-present threat, as evidenced by the daily news of cyberattacks. In 2021, Kaseya Supply his chain ransomware attack he affected more than 1,500 companies worldwide. Just months later, a group of hackers infected a major US oil pipeline his operator with ransomware. This forced a pipeline closure and caused a critical fuel shortage.
Malicious hackers are causing problems for millions of people around the world. CU Denver recognizes this problem and the urgent need for cybersecurity professionals in today’s workforce. Between 2013 and 2021, he has seen a 350% increase in vacancies for cybersecurity positions. According to data, only 68% of his national cybersecurity job postings are filled. In Colorado, his 30% of cybersecurity roles remain vacant. To fill the gaps, CU Denver offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, along with cutting-edge research.
… by focusing on a difficult area like cybersecurity … gives you an edge. Because, like I said, not many people dare to enter this realm. So, if you get in and do well, you’ll be on your way to a stellar career, and you’ll soon have your sights set on a very high salary. ”
—Dr. Hardy Jafarian
What is cyber security?
As cyber threats evolve, so does cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is all about protecting internet-connected systems from cyberattacks. Cybersecurity professionals spend their time protecting hardware, software, and data from threats. Various types of malware, phishing, man-in-the-middle (MitM), and denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are the most common threat forms. A good security infrastructure greatly helps prevent attacks and shields organizations from the financial (theft of intellectual property), reputation (loss of consumer confidence), and legislative costs (government regulation) from cyberattacks. Protect.
cyber security career
Stopping cybercrime may be enough for some, but there are many other benefits. National cybersecurity salaries average $102,600. In Colorado, salaries range from $100,580 to $112,360. Cybersecurity professionals will also find impressive job security across the industry. Cybersecurity unemployment has been 0% since 2016. Here are some of the most popular cybersecurity jobs:
Cybersecurity Analyst – Average salary: $107,500
Cybersecurity analysts are responsible for identifying threats and managing security systems. Responsibilities include installing/updating software and firewalls, testing for vulnerabilities, and reporting violations.
Software Developer/Engineer — Average Salary: $110,140
This role develops programs to protect networked systems, IoT devices, and more. They combine technical programming knowledge with security threat analysis.
Cybersecurity Consultant – Average salary: $92,504
Cybersecurity consultants work with personnel from various organizations to mitigate risk. Manage system vulnerability testing, design security architecture, and update security systems.
Vulnerability Analyst/Penetration Tester – Average Salary: $101,091
Known as pen testers, these cybersecurity professionals are white hat hackers. Target operating systems, user devices, and embedded systems to find vulnerabilities. This helps organizations identify major system issues in a secure environment.
Cybersecurity Manager/Administrator — Average Salary: $130,000
A cybersecurity administrator is the leader of the cybersecurity team. They work to protect an organization’s entire system. A cyber security manager identifies security her gaps in the system. Then install, supervise, and maintain the solution.
CU Denver Cybersecurity Program
CU Denver understands the critical role cybersecurity plays in today’s world. For students interested in pursuing this career her path, CU Denver offers a Bachelor’s Degree in Cybersecurity, a Bachelor’s Degree in Cybersecurity and Secure Her Computing, and a Certificate in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance.
This degree path focuses on computing theory and core cybersecurity concepts. Students follow computer science core courses such as logic design and algorithms. Students also take various cybersecurity courses. The program features practical system administration, cryptography, and infrastructure defense courses.
…if you want to choose computer science, or IT expertise in general, I think cybersecurity should be your top priority. ”
—Dr. Hardy Jafarian
CU Denver Cybersecurity Research
CU Denver is also home to the Active Cyber Infrastructure Defense Lab (ACID Lab), which focuses on cyber and infrastructure defense. For those interested, ACID Lab can offer his GAANN funding to PhD students in the country for up to three years. Led by Dr. Haadi Jafarian, the ACID Lab’s research centers are focused on his four main areas:
- Social network cybersecurity analysis: This research area develops more secure social networks through big data analysis.
- Proactive security against cyber threats (moving target defense and cyber fraud): In the past, cybersecurity policies were applied only in the event of an attack. Proactive security aims to prevent attacks before they start.
- Big data analytics for cyber threat intelligence: Mining massive datasets for analytical insights helps protect against cybersecurity threats.
- Cyber-physical systems and critical infrastructure security: The growth of IoT devices is blurring the line between physical security and cybersecurity. This research area is focused on keeping systems and users safe throughout this growth.

Doctor J. Hardy Jafarian
Dr. Jafarian received his Ph.D. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 2017 and currently he is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at CU Denver. He also directs the Active Cyber and Infrastructure Lab (ACID Lab), which covers active cyber defense, security analytics, automation, social network security and analytics, big data analytics for security and privacy, and more. I research various security and privacy topics.
Learn how to earn a CU Denver Cybersecurity degree and build a career in this in-demand industry today.
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