Los Angeles, October 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Kroger/Ralphs, part of Kroger Health, and Cardinal Health are once again teaming up to host annual drug recall events at more than 150 community pharmacies nationwide.These events are Saturday, October 29ththe Drug Enforcement Administration’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.
The percentage of US adults taking prescription drugs has increased steadily in recent years, with approximately 66% of US adults taking prescription drugs, according to the latest data from the Institute for Health Policy.1With the increased use of these prescription drugs, misuse of expired or unused drugs is a constant concern.
“Ralphs Pharmacy is very pleased to once again work with Cardinal Health and local law enforcement to provide an anonymous, safe and convenient place to safely dispose of unused or expired prescription medications. Lynn Lee, Pharm.D., Ralphs Pharmacy Director. “This step is something we can all take to strengthen our community and help people live healthier lives.”
“Leading the fight against prescription drug misuse has always been a priority at Cardinal Health,” said Jesse Cannon, Cardinal Health’s vice president of community relations. “We are honored to work with like-minded organizations such as Kroger Health/Ralphs, who are committed to improving community health and reducing prescription drug misuse. By providing a centralized location for safe disposal, our community is safe.”
Drug take-back events lead to Cardinal Health’s Generation Rx program, an evidence-based prevention education program. Generation Rx was founded in The. Ohio State University Faculty of Pharmacy, operated in partnership with Cardinal Health since 2009.
in the Southern California A drug take-back event is scheduled in the area 10am-2pm Local law enforcement officers are on site to accept unused, unwanted, or expired tablets, liquids, gels, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, and patches (medicine is not accepted in-store).
Ralphs will host the event at:
- Ralphs #21 at 1745 Garfield Avenue, South Pasadena, California 91030
- Ralphs #147 is located at 27760 N. McBean Parkway. Valencia, California 91354
- Ralphs #284 at 10772 Jefferson Boulevard, culver city, california 90230
- Ralphs #604 at 12470 Seal Beach Boulevard, seal beach, california 90740
Every day, Kroger Health/Ralphs pharmacists are stationed at each store to educate customers on the proper use and disposal of medicines. The in-store pharmacy also offers naloxone (a life-saving drug that helps clear an opioid overdose) and his DisposeRx household waste packets free for customers with eligible prescriptions.
During the event, Kroger Health/Ralphs pharmacy personnel will distribute free reusable totes containing DisposeRx home medication disposal packets, mental health resources, and Generation Rx materials (note: quantities are limited). there is).
Cardinal Health has joined Kroger Health in hosting drug recall events across the United States for several years. At these events, over 115,000 pounds of unused prescription drugs were collected for safe disposal. To view a complete list of Kroger Health drug take-back event locations nationwide, visit Kroger.com.
About Ralph’s
Ralphs Grocery Company is dedicated to: Cultivate the Human Spirit™. We have over 18,000 employees serving customers in 184 supermarkets nationwide. Southern California. From Headquarters Los Angeles CountyRalphs is a recognized leader in community service and giving. The company supports Kroger’s Zero Hunger. Our Zero Waste Initiative aims to end hunger in our communities and eliminate waste in our company by 2025. Cincinnati, OhioFor more information about Ralphs, please visit our website at www.ralphs.com.
About Kroger Health:
Kroger Health, the healthcare division of The Kroger Co., is one of America’s leading retail healthcare organizations with more than 2,200 pharmacies and 220 clinics in 35 states, serving more than 14 million customers. One. Our team of 22,000 healthcare professionals, from pharmacists and nurses to nutritionists and technicians, is committed to helping people live healthier lives. We practice at the top of our license and believe in enabling “food as medicine” to help prevent or manage certain diseases. For more information visit https://www.krogerhealth.com please look at.
About Cardinal Health
Cardinal Health is a distributor of pharmaceuticals, a global manufacturer and distributor of medical and research products, and a provider of performance and data solutions for healthcare facilities. With 50 years of business, operations in more than 30 countries and approximately 46,500 employees worldwide, Cardinal Health is essential to care. Information about Cardinal Health is available at cardinalhealth.com.
1 Prescription drugs. Health Policy Institute. (2019, February 13th).Acquired September 8, 2022from https://hpi.georgetown.edu/rxdrugs/
Source Ralphs Grocery Company
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