Lacie Duke was named Student Leader of the Month for January.
Senior Lacy Duke was named Student Leader of the Month for January 2023. A native of Huntsville, Lacey came to She A College to study English with minors in social services. She is currently the Special Projects Coordinator for the Arkansas Union. She has also served on her FUN Committee of the Arkansas Union and her 50th Anniversary Planning Committee of the Arkansas Union.
Duke said he joined these organizations because he really likes working for the Arkansas Union.
“The people here are great. I love being a part of it, so I often sit on the committees that the Arkansas Union makes.”
Duke believes that the most important qualities and characteristics of a leader include communication, self-awareness, appreciation, and empathy.
“Leaders are able to communicate effectively (both good and bad), take responsibility for their actions, thank those who did the right thing, and understand the situation of others when things happen. You have to be a person, and a good leader is also willing to step outside your comfort zone to grow.”
Her advice to other student leaders is to not be too hard on others when things don’t go the way you want them to.
She would like to thank Jody Cochrane, Human Resources Supervisor at the Arkansas Union.
“Jodi reflects all the qualities I have described in a leader and holds me to a standard of work that helps me reflect those qualities in myself.”
The leadership quote Duke wants to share is by Josh Ax.
Sponsored by New Student & Family Programs, the Student Leader of the Month Award recognizes U of A undergraduates who demonstrate outstanding leadership through campus participation, leadership activities, or volunteering and community service. Find out more about the awards here.
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