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Local wayward cow felt the need to clarify her childless stance this week after being asked by her boyfriend’s sister when she was planning to lend her empty womb.
Bethany Collier used to answer the question by simply stating that in the past she couldn’t be happier with her treatment of children. [26] Since then, it’s been a very self-centered statement that just because a child is screaming in a shopping center makes you want to drain your ovaries and stomp like the ancient Romans were making wine. I learned. that she shouldn’t have anything.
So now Bethany still likes to stick to her guns, but soften the blow.
What she discovers is much more obvious for strangers to hear.
“Yeah, kids aren’t for me, but that means I have more time to help my friends and sisters when they’re around!” says Bethany. You can return them at the end of the day (laughs).”
“You can also call me if you want to steal some alcohol from your mother and have her drive you home.”
“I’m going to be a cool old lady!”
More coming.
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