Posted: 2023/2/2

Kathy’s division including Leslie Sprouse, Mark Cust, Kathy Daly Nutt, Kelly Pugh, Dr. Ferdinand Martinez, and Connie McQueen.
Kathy Daley-Nutt, RN was recently awarded The DAISY Award® for Extraordinary Nurses at Mon Health Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital. Her DAISY Award, which she gives to nurses once every six months at the hospital, is part of her DAISY Foundation program that recognizes the superhuman efforts nurses make every day.
A letter of recommendation submitted by the family of one of Kathy’s patients states:
“My father was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) in 2021. Shortly after being diagnosed, he was told he would not be able to work due to his pre-existing condition. Cathy checked in on us regularly. She was there for us every step of the way, from helping us in the right direction with our medical insurance to taking time off work so I could be there for my father. She was there to listen when she cried from stress and when she didn’t know what life was going to bring us. I consider her family!
My dad always says how lucky he is to have a nurse like Cathy. My father was told he had about a year to live if he didn’t follow his treatment plan, and it was devastating to me. It’s been officially a year and a month since he got the news and I’m so proud to say that he’s doing amazing things and is almost back to his old self. will be grateful to. You have blessed my family and my father. ”
The non-profit Daisy Foundation was founded by the family in memory of J. Patrick Burns. Patrick died in 1999 at the age of 33 from complications of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a little-known but rare non-autoimmune disease. The care Patrick and his family received from nurses when they were sick inspired this unique way of thanking nurses for making such a difference in the lives of patients and their families.
Kathy is a Registered Nurse in the Department of Oncology and has been with Mon Health Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital for 19 years. She also spent 14 years as a CNA before becoming a nurse.
“Being a nurse is so rewarding. If I can help someone feel better or put a smile on their face, it makes my heart happy,” Kathy said. “By winning this award, I feel that I have done a good job in becoming the best nurse for my patients. She said I was living my dream and she would be very proud.
“Kathy deserves this award. Her dedication to the nursing profession and compassionate care have not gone unnoticed,” said Carole Norton, Chief Nursing Officer at Mon Health Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital.
Nurses are influenced by their own care, including patients, families, other nurses, physicians, other clinicians, staff, and others who have experienced or observed the exceptional and compassionate care provided by nurses. You can nominate anyone. Visit MonHealth.com/DAISY to thank nurses and nominate for a DAISY award. For more information on the DAISY Award® for Extraordinary Nurses, visit DAISYFoundation.org.
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