The NHL recently came up with what seems like a sensible idea. It was a job fair called “Pathway to Hockey Summit” that was scheduled to be held on February 2nd.
“Participants must be U.S.-based, 18 years of age or older, female, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, and/or with a disability. Veterans are also welcome and encouraged to attend,” said the event description.
The NHL, a majority-white league, was taking small steps to diversify. It’s a noble cause and good business.
But Brian Griffin, the press secretary for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, disagreed, saying in a statement: If applied in a politically popular way or against a politically unpopular demographic, it should be overlooked.
For DeSantis, diversification is discrimination.
Threats from DeSantis worked and the NHL withdrew, later stating that the event was open to anyone over the age of 18.
An entire sports league was crushed by DeSantis, the losers of Woke Wars.
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DeSantis is not finished. Last month, his administration blocked the introduction of a new Advanced His Placement course for high school students, focused on African-American studies. If there’s one thing he doesn’t want students to do, it’s to learn about black history—American history.
“AP African American Studies is not the CRT. It is not the 1619 Plan,” said historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. time In August. “It’s a mainstream, rigorously scrutinized academic approach to a vibrant field of study that’s been around for half a century in American academies and much older, of course, in historically black universities. .”
Others banned by DeSantis include the sky after sunset, coffee without cream and sugar, Oprah, February, Darth Vader, iPhones in Dark Mode, black bears, Enterprise Communications Officers, and Harlem Globetrotters. s are included. …and just a harem. Harems are not allowed in Florida now.
DeSantis deciphered two important things. First, Woke Wars is worth fighting for him. DeSantis is brutal and anti-black but not politically stupid.
Second, DeSantis also knows that sports are at the forefront of the Woke Wars and can be consistently and easily exploited. He saw Donald Trump attack Colin Kaepernick and Fox host Laura Ingraham tell LeBron James to shut up and dribble.
DeSantis goes beyond the NHL, Special Olympics and baseball. As he gears up for the presidency, the NFL and his NBA athletes are being heavily targeted for the same reasons he banned the teaching of black history and critical racial theory. will
Attacking black people during the Awakening War is good for right-wing businesses.
And in Florida, under DeSantis, business is booming.
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