
Small business owners met with the City of Lima for a roundtable discussion.
Valuable Grandi | Photo Lima News
Lima — The City of Lima conducted a series of business roundtables to address the current needs of the community. The city’s restaurants, manufacturing, retail and construction industries have had the opportunity to focus on what matters.
On Thursday afternoon, Amber Martin, Small Business and Workforce Development Specialist in the City of Lima, hosted a roundtable discussion with local retailers and service providers.
“We’ll see what it takes, which is why we’re having these conversations today,” Martin said. “What do you see, what do you need, what are the thoughts you have that we may not have to meet those needs?”
Owners: Matthew Sanders of Spotless Professional Cleaning Services, Michael Kleman of ServiceMaster, Chad Stearns of Modo Media, Marc Bowker of Alter Ego, Jasper Person of CLEAN, Caroline Denise Lawrence of Emerge Services, Jennifer Velasquez of Pointe of Joy Dance Boutique, I’m Rob, an entrepreneur. He was there to share their ideas.
Many business owners shared the challenges they faced trying to move forward after the 2020 pandemic. Some business owners have experienced an increase in services due to additional revenue from the government. Depending on the type of service you provide, some may not have experienced any change.
Bowker expressed hope that downtown would become more walkable. The owners agreed that the low traffic in the downtown store was because the stores were several blocks away from each other.
Martin hopes to remain the central point of contact for small businesses in the city of Lima and implement new ideas from the roundtable.
“[Her role]is to be that champion and voice for the City of Lima within the city, county and province,” Martin added. This is why you come here, this is what is good for our home and how we make it the best.”
Bowker thanked the city of Lima for supporting local small businesses.
Bowker said, “I applaud the mayor for creating this position and refilling someone, and for taking such an active interest in small businesses.” It’s not just a nonprofit that’s led, we need the involvement of the city and county to grow together.”
Contact Precious Grundy at 567-242-0351.
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