what: SBA’s Elevating Small Business Series Webinar: Celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
To mark National Disability Employment Awareness Month, the U.S. Small Business Administration will host a live, online small business roundtable with Shari Thomas, Chief Diversity Officer for the SBA’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights. . Suzanne Foley of Port City Pretzels in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Gregory Modica of Government Supply Services in El Dorado, Ark, small business owner.
Discussions will focus on disability awareness, inclusion, hiring employees with disabilities, and the importance of equity and opportunity to help empower and support entrepreneurs with disabilities. The panel will also discuss SBA initiatives and resources used to help pivot and grow in a changing environment. Providing emerging small businesses with the tools they need to help local economies thrive is a priority for the Biden-Harris administration and her SBA administrator Isabella Casillas Guzmán.
when: Thursday, October 27, 2022
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
WHO: Shari ThomasChief Diversity Officer, Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship
Suzanne FoleyPort City Pretzels, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Gregory ModicaGovernment Supply Service, El Dorado, Ark.
How: Registration Required. click here Register or visit https://sbadeam.eventbrite.com.
This event is logged.
All SBA programs and services are open to the public without discrimination. SBA’s support/participation in this event is not an endorsement of any product, service, or entity. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least 4 days prior to this event. Send an email to Reallyaccommodation@sba.gov with the subject “ACCOMMODATION REQUEST”.
About the U.S. Small Business Administration
The US Small Business Administration helps advance the American dream of business ownership. As the single go-to resource and voice for federally-backed small businesses, the SBA empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners to help start, grow, expand, or recover from a declared crisis. We provide the resources and support you need. disaster. We deliver our services through an extensive network of SBA field offices and partnerships with public and private sector organizations. For more information, please visit the following URL: www.sba.gov.

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