Knowing how many hours of sleep you need is the first step to eliminating sleep debt. Many of us don’t remember what it feels like to sleep as long as we need or wake up naturally without alarms or other distractions.
How do you calculate hours of sleep lost and hours of sleep needed? Start with how many hours of sleep you need each night to feel rested and alert. Eight hours may be needed, but all she gets is seven hours or less. To calculate your sleep debt, add up the hours of sleep lost each weekThis number represents the total amount of time you should add to the time you spend sleeping each week. Use the Sleepopolis Sleep Debt Calculator to see how much sleep debt you’ve accumulated and how to get back on track.
If the number of hours of sleep lost weekly is astonishing, the monthly and yearly totals can be even more alarming. An average of 90 minutes of sleep is lost each night, resulting in more than 547 hours of sleep per year. The body can compensate for this loss by increasing fat stores, reducing insulin sensitivity, and reducing learning and concentration.
Want to know more about sleep debt? For more information, check out our complete guide to sleep debt.
The Sleepopolis team is all about improving the quality of your sleep. Through extensive sleep product reviews, sleep tips, or sleep myth rants, we’re here for you!
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