WASHINGTON, DC, October 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, admin Isabella Casillas Guzmanthe head of US Small Business Administration (SBA) and the spokesperson for America’s 33 million small businesses in President Biden’s cabinet, SBA has announced that it will be celebrating. National Veterans Small Business Week (NVSBW) From October 31st to November 4th, NVSBW will host a series of virtual and in-person events focused on the entrepreneurship and resilience of seasoned small business owners. Increasing support for military personnel, veterans, and their families has been a key priority under the Biden Harris administration. In October 2022, the SBA announced: Additional funding opportunities Community-based organizations create targeted and impactful programs to expand access to SBA resources to support seasoned entrepreneurs.
“Each year, we celebrate National Veterans Small Business Week to help the nearly two million Americans who respond to our country’s call to serve and protect us, and who make a difference in their communities and national economy every day. Honoring Veteran Entrepreneurs.” Said Admin Guzman“This week, and every week, the U.S. Small Business Administration is helping veteran entrepreneurs by giving them access to the tools and resources they need to start, grow, and build resilient businesses. We are committed to fulfilling our responsibilities to
Throughout the week, SBAs, resource partners, and local organizations across the country will be representing different aspects of the veteran small business owner’s entrepreneurial journey and this important community in hybrid, in-person, and virtual formats. focus on supporting Topics include transition assistance, entrepreneur training, government contracting, disaster assistance, and access to capital resources. There are now over 100 virtual events that are free and open to the public.visit sba.gov/nvsbw for a complete schedule.
“National Veterans Small Business Week is a great opportunity to recognize entrepreneurs in the military community.” Terra Smith, owner of DocTerra Mobile Veterinary Services, said:“As a military spouse and business owner, the SBA has been very supportive, and the local Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) has helped me grow my business and grow as an entrepreneur. This national week is an important event that reminds the military community of resources that can help take their business to the next level.
“Through National Veterans Small Business Week, SBA showcases how veterans apply military-developed skills and traits, such as problem-solving, flexibility and resilience, to successful small businesses. .” Mark L. Scott, VBOC Director at Mississippi State University, said: “Our ‘Lunch and Learn’ live webinar series will address key topics of interest to veterans and military spouse owners. This includes lender readiness, social media planning, and government contracts. “
For more information on the National Veterans Small Business Week and events in your area, please visit: sba.gov/nvsbwSign up for events and use hashtags to join the online conversation #VetBiz.
About the Office of Veterans Affairs Business Development
SBA’s Veterans Affairs Business Development Office (OVBD) works through SBA’s extensive network of resource partners, including the Small Business Development Center, SCORE, Women’s Business Centers, and 22 VBOCs nationwide. VBOC is also a key partner in hosting the “Boots to Business” and “Boots to Business Reboot” programs, which offer courses on entrepreneurship in military installations and communities. Since the program began in 2013, Boots to Business has trained and graduated over 165,000 military personnel, veterans, members of the National Guard and Reservists, and military spouses. For more information on resources available to seasoned entrepreneurs, visit his website at: www.sba.gov/veterans.
About National Veterans Small Business Week
During National Veterans’ Small Business Week (NVSBW), the Small Business Administration recognizes entrepreneurs and business owners (past, present, and future) who are military personnel (including National Guard and reservists), veterans, and military spouses. celebrate, unite and empower Now in its ninth year, NVSBW raises awareness of veteran small business ownership and encourages communities to support veterans and military-owned businesses. For more information, please visit the following URL: www.sba.gov/nvsbw.
About the US Small Business Administration
The US Small Business Administration helps advance the American dream of business ownership. As the single go-to resource and voice for federally-backed small businesses, the SBA empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners to help start, grow, expand, or recover from a declared crisis. We provide the resources and support you need. disaster. We deliver our services through an extensive network of SBA field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations. For more information, please visit the following URL: www.sba.gov.

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