NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 21, 2022 / Entergy Co., Ltd.
Earlier this year, Entergy was proud to sponsor Black Tech NOLA. This is an annual innovation conference created to raise awareness about building an accessible and equitable tech talent pipeline in the New Orleans area. This year marks his fifth time the event has taken place in downtown New Orleans in June, coinciding with the annual Essence Music Festival. His three-day event brought together hundreds of industry leaders and global brands to highlight his work and career paths in media, film, games, design and music in the tech industry.
Entergy employees volunteered in person or online to provide conference attendees with useful information about employment opportunities at the company. Entergy technology and inclusion leaders participated in a panel discussion, while another employee group hosted a digital technology demonstration.
Panel Discussion “What Drives Innovation?” Entergy leaders discussed how inclusion enables innovation. The impact of working remotely on innovation and collaboration. Obstacles I personally had to overcome to become the leader I am today. How diverse perspectives and backgrounds can benefit your team. etc. Leaders included Michael Cross, Vice President of Innovation. Taiwan Brown, Vice President, Diversity and Workforce Strategy; Michael Rhymes, Vice President, Chief Information Officer; Her Vice President and Information Security Officer, Ann Delenela, said: Her panel discussion was moderated by Michelle Delery, Director, Customers, Employees, and Communications Services.
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Representative: Entergy Co., Ltd.
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Email: info@3blmedia.com
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