Thousands of people are vying to represent you on city councils, county commissions, school boards, and other elected offices around St. Cloud this year.
Visit sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/ to see what your ballot is about, how to register to vote, and where to find your online polling place.
Here’s a look at who’s running for office in the St. Cloud area, along with links to profiles and Times articles about the candidates.
more:How to Register and Vote in the 2022 Minnesota Elections
more:A Guide to Minnesota Voter Rights.Things to know before voting
more:Amid false allegations of election fraud, Stearns County officials battle misinformation
Candidate for Seiun City Council

Incumbent Dave Masters is running as an independent for District 1, Sandra Brakstad and Karen Larson are running for District 2, Jake Anderson and incumbent Paul Brandmire are running for District 3, and incumbents Mike Conway and Hassan Yussuf are running for District 3. I am running for District 4. Nonpartisan.
The seat on the Second District City Council is currently held by Steve Lallaway, who announced in May that he would not seek re-election.
Read more about the candidate’s position on key community issues and what the candidate said in a forum hosted by the St. Cloud League of Women Voters online in September.
more:Meet St. Cloud City Council Candidates
Candidate for St. Cloud Board of Education

Six candidates are running for three nonpartisan seats on the St. Cloud School Board. They include incumbents Zachary Dorholt and Natalie Lyngsmouth, as well as newcomers Mike Bookers, Teresa Karlstedt, Nicole Lierson and Heather Weems.
Incumbents Dorholt and Ringsmuth occupy two seats. Current board member Les Green is retired and not seeking re-election.
Read more about the candidates’ positions on key community issues and what they said at the forum hosted by the St. Cloud League of Women Voters online in October.
Sartell City Council Candidate

Three candidates are running for two bipartisan permanent seats on the Sartell City Council. They include incumbents Tim Ernes, Brad Gunderson and Jed Meyer. Stacy Lundine told The St. Cloud Times in October that she was withdrawing from the election.
Mayor Ryan Fitzsome is running as an independent.
Read more about the candidates’ positions on key community issues and what they said at the forum hosted by the St. Cloud League of Women Voters online in October.
more:Key Focus of Growth and Spending for Saartell City Council
Sartell St.Candidate for Stephen School Board

Nine candidates are running for three seats on the Sartell-St. nonpartisan school board. Stephen school district. The nominees are Amanda Bird, Nate Crowe, Ryan K. Dale, Katie Hilger, Emily Larson, Chris Lawrence, Molly McCann, Jen Smith and Scott Wenshaw. Byrd is seeking re-election, but current directors Patrick Marcin and Jeremy Snoberger are not.
Read online details of candidate positions on important community issues.
more:Meet Sartell-St.Candidate for Stephen School Board
Candidates for Sauk Rapids City Council
Kyle Boron, incumbents Jason Erring, Clinton Holmgren, and incumbent Ellen Sronson are running for two seats on the nonpartisan Saw Rapids City Council.
Read online details of candidate positions on important community issues.
more:Meet the candidates for the Sauk Rapids City Council running in the 2022 election

Candidate for Sauk Rapids Rice Board of Education
Six candidates are running for three seats on the nonpartisan school board of the Souk Rapids Rice School District. The nominees are Lisa J. Brown, Warren Christie, Robin L. Holthouse, Dan Johnson, Lisa Roydolt, and Annie Newville. Braun, Holthaus, and Royoldt are incumbents.
Read online details of candidate positions on important community issues.
more:Meet Souk Rapids Rice School Board Candidates
weight park candidate
Mayor Rick Miller ran without a vote. Sean Blackburn and incumbent Frank Theisen are running for his two seats on the nonpartisan, open city council.
Candidate for St. Joseph
Former City Councilman Kelly Bennick and incumbent Rick Schultz are running for mayor. Incumbents John Hazen, incumbents Kevin Krusner and Adam Sepaniak are running for his two seats on the City Council. All positions are non-partisan.
Read online details of candidate positions on important community issues.
more:Meet the 2022 St. Joseph Mayor and City Council Candidates
Candidate for St. Augusta
Mayor Mike Zenzen is running for re-election without a ballot. Incumbents Justin Backes and Brent Genereux are running for re-election, and Marlin Hommerding and Mark Skaalerud are challenging them for his two bipartisan council seats.
Read online details of candidate positions on important community issues.
more:Meet Candidates Running for St. Augusta City Council

Stearns County Board Candidates
Incumbents Tarrill Clarke and Joe Perske are running as independents in Districts 1 and 2. Barry Belknap and Jeff Bertram are running as independents in District 3, Lana Fedema and incumbent Lee Renzmeier are in District 4, and incumbent Stephen Notch is running in District 5. It is non-partisan.
Read online details of candidate positions on important community issues.
more:Meet the Stearns County Board Candidates Running for 2022
Benton County Board Candidates
In the Benton County Commissioner election, incumbent Ed Popp is running as an independent in District 2 and incumbent Steve Heinen is running as an independent in District 3. .
Benton County settled a legally mandated lawsuit in August over claims that current auditor and treasurer Nadine Inman does not live in the county.
Read more online about the Auditor and Treasurer Candidate’s position on important community issues.
more:Meet Benton County Comptroller Candidates

Sherburne County Board Candidates
Gary Gray and Jerome “Lefty” Kleis are running for the nonpartisan Sherburne County District 4 Commissioner’s seat. Felix Schmiesing has announced plans to retire in April after a 27-year tenure.
Read online details of candidate positions on important community issues.
more:Who is running for St. Cloud’s Sherburne County Commissioner?
State Senate District 14

Incumbent Arick Putnam, DFL-St. Cloud, and her Tama Theis, R-St. Cloud are running for the Minnesota Senate 14th District seat. Theis is currently the State Representative for District 14A.
Read more about what District 14 candidates said at a forum hosted online in October by the St. Cloud League of Women Voters.
more:Minnesota Senate District 14 Candidate Community, Education Focus
14A State Representative District
Bernie Perryman, R-St. Augusta, Tami Calhoun, DFL-St. Cloud, running for state representation in District 14A.
Read more about what District 14 candidates said at a forum hosted online in October by the St. Cloud League of Women Voters.
14B State Representative District
Incumbent Dan Walgamot, DFL-St. Cloud, and Aaron Hennig, R-St. Cloud is running for State Representative District 14B.
Read more about what District 14 candidates said at a forum hosted online in October by the St. Cloud League of Women Voters.
more:Central Minnesota’s District 13 makes history with first all-female party ticket in St. Cloud area
State Senate District 13

Incumbent Jeff Howe, R-St. Cloud, Alyssa Brickman and DFL-Salk Rapids are running for the 13th District of Minnesota Senate.
Read more about what District 13 candidates said at a forum hosted online in October by the St. Cloud League of Women Voters.
more:Here’s where the 13th District’s Representative and Senate candidates will take issue with this election.
13A State Representative District

Incumbents Lisa Demus (R-Cold Spring) and Andrea Robinson (DFL-Cold Spring) are running for the 13th District A State House of Representatives.
Read more about what District 13 candidates said at a forum hosted online in October by the St. Cloud League of Women Voters.
13B State Representative District

Incumbents Tim O’Driscoll (R-Sartell) and Melissa Bromenschenkel (DFL-Sartell) are running for the District 13B State Representative seat.
Read more about what District 13 candidates said at a forum hosted online in October by the St. Cloud League of Women Voters.
Becca Most is an urban reporter for the St. Cloud Times. Contact her at 320-241-8213 or bmost@stcloudtimes.com. Follow her on her Twitter. @becca_most.
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