The following snacks are recommended by nutrition experts to support blood sugar control in people with diabetes.
Nut butter with nuts or fruit
Nuts like almonds, cashews, peanuts, and macadamia nuts are great choices for diabetics because they’re rich in both protein and fat and don’t have a big impact on blood sugar levels.Mentor, Ohio.
Iafelice also recommends pairing unsweetened nut butters with fresh fruit. “Fruits contain sugar, but sugar (fructose) is absorbed more slowly than carbohydrates from grains,” says Iafelice. .”
Some studies suggest that nuts may also contain compounds with diabetes-fighting properties. Fats have been reported to support blood sugar control and may suppress appetite, while the fiber and polyphenols in nuts may prevent diabetes by altering beneficial bacteria in the gut. there is.
greek yogurt with berries
Low-fat or fat-free Greek yogurt is a nutritious, low-carb snack option that helps maintain healthy blood sugar control. Greek yogurt is high in protein and helps stabilize blood sugar levels, explains Iafelis.
Interestingly, studies show that consuming 80-125 grams of yogurt per day reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 14%. Additionally, some types of yogurt also contain beneficial probiotics that help regulate sugar metabolism.
whole grain oatmeal
Each serving of whole grain oatmeal is rich in resistant starch. As the name suggests, this type of starch resists digestion and kills the beneficial bacteria in your gut, according to Justine Chan, a Toronto-based registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at YourDiabetesDietitian.com. “In addition, these types of foods also contain soluble fiber to help manage hunger. [and] It lowers cholesterol and blood sugar,” she says.
Several studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of oatmeal. For example, a 30-day study of 298 people with type 2 diabetes found that adding 50 or 100 grams of oats to a low-fat, high-fiber diet significantly reduced postprandial blood sugar, insulin resistance, and cholesterol. We found it to be improved. Levels and hemoglobin A1C, markers of long-term glycemic control.
For a flavorful homemade oatmeal, try rolled oats topped with fresh fruit, chia or flax seeds, and nut butters. You can also add a scoop of your favorite protein powder to increase the protein content.
vegetables and hummus
“Most of us don’t eat enough vegetables,” Chan says. “By incorporating them into snacks, we can fill a gap.” Chang says vegetables are a great source of antioxidants, which protect cells from damage and prevent certain diabetes-related complications. I am adding that it is possible.
Combining fresh vegetables such as cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, carrots and peppers with hummus is an easy way to add more valuable nutrients to your diet. According to the American Diabetes Association, plant-based proteins like hummus are particularly rich in high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and fiber.
Edamame is a type of immature soybean that can be boiled or steamed and eaten as an appetizer or snack. In addition to being versatile and flavorful, edamame is also a nutritious option for people with diabetes. ‘ says Price.
Additionally, several studies have shown that the soy protein found in edamame may be beneficial for type 2 diabetes. They concluded that it may lower blood sugar and insulin levels, lower cholesterol levels, and improve markers of insulin resistance.
Most grocery stores have plenty of prepackaged edamame snacks, but you can also easily make them at home. Top with your favorite toppings, such as parmesan cheese.
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