It’s been a crazy few days for America. Well, it’s actually been a crazy few years for America.When Billionaire Island: Cult of Dogs #1, Mark Russell and Steve Pugh manage to capitalize on American madness in one issue. I’m a huge fan of Russell and Pugh’s DC work. Future State: Superman vs. Imperious Rex share many themes Billionaire Island: Cult of DogsWhat was impressive was the way Mr. Kant’s caregiver, Reuben, was portrayed. There is something very ominous behind his smile.He remembered Rex’s unique mask Future State: Superman vs. Imperious RexWe’re used to bad guys looking like bad guys, but in reality, Pugh and Russell are perfect for Reuben. He seems to be the worst person in the matter and pulls many strings in the story.
The first few pages of this issue give readers an overview of where we are and how we got there. I especially enjoyed the mention of a particular pair of billionaires who raced into space. It’s a good place to be. Nothing to be afraid of. I don’t know if Mark Russell is a satirist or a prophet. It’s clear that the entire creative team was overjoyed with this issue. Rob Steen’s lettering is top notch, and he does an excellent job of guiding readers through this issue, especially with his Shelly narration. I loved and enjoyed the different ads and articles that appeared on my screen. Chris Chuckry’s coloring complements Pugh’s pencil and ink and does a great job of balancing the different settings seen in this issue. The screen is front and center, but it doesn’t take you away from the rest of what’s going on.
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