Project plan templates share some key criteria and characteristics such as tasks, assignments, deadlines, and milestones, but are customizable and come in a variety of formats, layouts, and designs. Below are some of the project plan templates you can use depending on your project and industry.
Below are nine free project plan templates for different use cases.
1. Basic project planning in Word or Excel

Basic project planning in Word or Excel
Depending on your budget and project planning needs, you can find what you need in Microsoft Word or Excel. The project plan in this template includes activities/tasks, assignees, start and finish dates, duration and status. This template is a good option if your project does not have cross-functional, overlapping tasks.
Download this template in Word or Excel
2. Google Docs Agile Project Plan Template

Agile project plan template for Google Docs
Agile project management is a popular method for tracking roles, responsibilities, deadlines, budgets, progress, and other aspects of a project. Agile project management divides the project into subprojects, commonly called sprints. At the end of each sprint, the team aligns for the next phase of the project.
This Agile project plan template (available on Google Docs) includes all the key aspects of an Agile project plan. The template divides the phases into sprints.
Download this template
3. Weekly project plan with daily tasks

Weekly project plan with daily tasks
If your project has daily tasks throughout the week, this simple and user-friendly project plan is a good starting point.
Download this template
4. Gantt project planning

Gantt project plan
Many project managers use Gantt charts. A Gantt chart presents all relevant information in a horizontal bar chart. This project plan template uses a Gantt chart to categorize projects by phases and tasks, and includes start and end dates, responsible person, and status.
Download this template at Microsoft
Download this template on Google Docs
5. HR Project Plan Template

HR project plan template
HR teams have several short and long-term tasks and projects, and this HR-focused plan template helps track those projects. This includes priority indicators, status, and assignee for each task. Project managers and team her leaders can also separate tasks by phases.
Download this template
6. Product Marketing Project Plan Template

Product marketing project plan template
When launching a new product, your marketing team can use this planning template to plan and track launch-related tasks and projects. Templates also include customizable display options so you can share them with other stakeholders.
Download this template
7. Content calendar template

Content calendar template
Teams creating and publishing content can use this content/editing plan template to provide a calendar view to easily see what is being published and when. Teams can also color-code assignments and content to differentiate them. Content can be assigned to responsible persons.
Download this template
8. Kanban Planning Template

Kanban plan template
A Kanban board is a useful project management tool that allows teams to manage tasks, view workflows, and facilitate communication. This kanban board template includes tasks, assignees, and statuses. Sort tasks into categories such as New Request, Backlog, In Progress, and Completed.
Download this template
9. New product planning template

New product planning template
When a team plans to design and manufacture a new product, there are several steps across multiple teams, from design and engineering to marketing and sales. This new product plan template provides a road map within and across teams, providing a great starting point that can be customized to your needs.
Download this template
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