boston, November 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Yes COP27 Sustainability is now at the forefront of the global debate once again. Discussions around emissions reductions, water security and renewable energy are at a central stage, with many politicians, businesses, investors and think tanks eager to bring about meaningful change. IDTechEx Report “Sustainable Electronics Manufacturing 2023-2033” Evaluates Ways to Reduce Emissions in One of the Most Polluting Industries, Discusses With a View to Cost-Effective and Widespread Implementation It has been.

Areas covered by IDTechEx reports. Source: IDTechEx – “Sustainable Electronics Manufacturing 2023-2033”
The electronics industry accounts for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions and is a sector in need of substantial innovation to reduce its environmental footprint. A new report from IDTechEx explores how the environmental impact of printed circuit board (PCB) and integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing can be reduced through innovative material selection and processing methods. This includes implementing cryogenic processes, eliminating extra wasteful steps, recycling and reusing materials where possible, and adopting new approaches that see long-term potential. IDTechEx predicts that within 10 years 20% of his PCBs could be manufactured using more sustainable methods such as dry etching, printing and attaching low temperature solder components. The report explores what many well-known electronics manufacturers such as Samsung, IBM, Intel, Toshiba, Apple and Dell are doing to enact cost-effective and sustainable measures.
Sustainable manufacturing methods covered in this report
This report evaluates sustainable methods of electronics manufacturing and focuses on innovations within printed circuit boards and integrated circuits. This report assesses how sustainable innovation can drive a new era of flexible electronics, covering a range of materials and manufacturing processes that can deliver effective long-term sustainability improvements. . This report covers each major stage of the PCB and IC manufacturing value chain and identifies areas that can benefit from innovation. They are compared not only in terms of emissions, materials, and water consumption, but also in terms of scalability and cost-effectiveness of implementation.
Our analysis covers the following areas:
- Various material choices for PCB and IC substrates
- Alternative to traditional wet etching.
- Additive approaches such as printing metal traces.
- Cryogenic parts mounting material
- As the dimensions of integrated circuits shrink, they shift to new dielectrics.
- end-of-life analysis
Emerging flexible electronics benefit from sustainable innovation
Most electronic devices today are manufactured on rigid substrates. However, flexible electronics are on the rise as various application areas such as wearable technology and flexible displays expand.Flexible PCB Substrate Market is Expected to Reach $1.2 billion By 2033, polyimide (a bendable plastic substrate already used in the PCB industry) will be the main leader. Polyimide is an expensive material and not environmentally friendly. The report discusses the use of biodegradable materials such as paper and natural fibers as well as inexpensive materials such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET). While these may seem a bit far from what you’ll see in everyday devices, many big names, including Microsoft and Dell, are piloting biodegradable PCBs.
A key advantage of next-generation electronics is that their success depends on innovation. Break free from traditional processing routes and adopt pioneering approaches that save time, reduce waste and reduce emissions from the start. Some of these approaches are relatively simple, such as switching to low-temperature solders, while others are more innovative, such as adopting partial or full additive manufacturing approaches. The benefits and trade-offs of implementing sustainable innovation are fully appreciated in the IDTechEx report “Sustainable Electronics Manufacturing 2023-2033”.
Key questions answered in this report
- What are the important policies and laws to watch out for?
- What are some existing low-emission technologies that can be implemented?
- What disruptive technologies are on the horizon?
- Which new manufacturing routes are sustainable, reliable, and scalable?
- How can additive manufacturing reduce costs and minimize waste?
- Where are the key materials growth opportunities?
- What are key players doing to improve sustainability?
IDTechEx has 20 years of expertise covering emerging technologies such as printed and flexible electronics. Our analysts have closely tracked the latest developments in the relevant markets, interviewed key players across the supply chain, attended conferences and delivered on-site consulting projects. This report examines the current status and latest developments in technology performance, supply chain, manufacturing know-how, and application development progress. It also identifies key challenges, competition and opportunities for innovation in sustainable electronics manufacturing.
For more information on the new IDTechEx report “Sustainable Electronics Manufacturing 2023-2033” including downloadable sample pages, please visit www.IDTechEx.com/SustainableElectronics.
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