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Gone are the days when you could open up your local newspaper and see an open auction classifieds ad at an old-fashioned community center. Online is now a venue for government and school surplus auctions.
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There are many online outlets that specialize in selling government and public sector auctions, such as U.S. government sales sites and Municibid, an auction marketplace where states, counties and local governments sell goods and confiscated items directly to the public. Acquired by GovDeals, a business surplus platform. It attracts the attention of buyers looking for savings and choice.
According to the site, the 20-year-old GovDeals manages more than $2.6 billion in sales to over 1 million registered buyers. A brand owned by publicly traded Liquidity Services, GovDeals has over 14,000 sellers and through the Liquidity Services network he has access to over 3.6 million potential buyers. By offering true market value, the platform claims to bring higher profits to sellers.
GovDeals prides itself on being a safe and transparent online auction house for surplus government and educational inventory, but it also sells almost anything imaginable, including equipment, real estate, transportation, energy, healthcare, food services, construction, aviation and more. It also oversees sales for all categories. To name a few.
GovDeals has become a favorite financing vehicle for local governments. For example, Virginia’s Northumberland County Sheriff’s Office uses the site to auction off surplus and remanded cars to offset the cost of new ones, according to News on the Neck.
North of the U.S. border, Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada, will raise more than $485,000 in GovDeals online auctions in 2021 for cars, computers and office furniture, plus Zambonis (ice grinders), recycled asphalt and The Beacon. We disposed of rare items such as Herald reported.
In a recent article, The Penny Hoarder pointed out that with a little digging you can discover all sorts of deals on treasures and oddities on the site. Baby Grand Piano ($875), 2005 Crown Victoria Police Cruiser ($1,125), 1,680 Bricks ($50), 3 Used Fitbits ($20), Pottery Kiln ($1,325) ), a set of 12 Birthday Bear Beanie Babies ($22.25) and a lot of office furniture (including 25 chairs, 3 metal bookshelves, 12 office desks and tables, and 3 filing cabinets) sold for $1. rice field.
According to The Hustle, GovDeals gave buyers the chance to own a Black Hawk helicopter, a McLaren sports car, a wedding dress, jewelry, animals and a top-secret Navy stealth boat.
People are always on the hunt for bargains and quirky items, and online auction sites give the thrifty and the curious a chance to bid on both. For start-ups and small businesses not in a position to buy new, auctions are an affordable alternative to purchasing industrial equipment and furniture.
Online auction sites can bring much-needed revenue to commercial sellers while reducing onerous marketing efforts. “Government officials don’t have time to formulate sophisticated PR strategies for the haphazardly ordered items they put up for auction, but private contractors do,” he said in The Hustle.
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For savings and choice, look no further than GovDeals Online Government and Education Surplus Auctions. But buyers beware: you are bidding on invisible items and the majority of sellers do not ship items to buyers, especially large items.
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